

Dr. 黛安·布鲁尔,文学士,博士


Theatre History and Criticism / John David Lutz Distinguished Professor of the Arts


Dr. 黛安·布鲁尔, 戏剧教授, teaches three Honors courses for theatre majors – Dramaturgy I and II and Survey of Theatre Histories. 在描述这些类时, 她解释说, 戏剧学1, we look at plays that fall within the Aristotelian tradition and those that intentionally deviate from those conventions. 当我们这样做的时候, we engage in intensive discussions and 写作 assignments that help students learn to identify and understand their personal reactions to plays. 《英国威廉希尔中文网站》2, 我们把自己扔进过去和现在之间的鸿沟, 坚持严格的研究标准, 写作, 批判性思维."

"I want my students to feel challenged and inspired to continue exploring the connection between their own values and the theatre they create," Dr. 布鲁尔说. "I enjoy teaching UE Honors students because they keep me on my toes. They often ask questions I've never considered and come up with solutions I've never imagined. In that way, they reaffirm why I teach – to keep learning."

Dr. Brewer holds a BA in drama from Tufts University and a PhD in theatre from UCLA. Her areas of expertise include theatre history and dramatic criticism, and she also dramaturgs and directs productions for the UE theatre department. Her articles have been published in The Dramaturgy Protocol, The Dramaturgy Sourcebook (vol. 4), Theatre Topics, PAJ: Performing Arts Journal, and HowlRound at the Center for Theater Commons. 她曾获得院长教学奖等荣誉, 文理学院, 英国威廉希尔中文网站 and a Certificate of Merit for Dramaturgy from the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival.

Dr. 丹尼尔·伯恩




Dr. 丹尼尔·伯恩 received his Bachelor’s degree in history from 圣母大学 and his Doctorate from Georgetown University. His dissertation and subsequent research focused on the United States foreign policy surrounding the Algerian War of Independence and the decolonization of French Africa. Before joining the faculty at 英国威廉希尔中文网站 in 2005, 他在乔治敦教书, 美国海军学院, 弗朗西斯马里昂大学, 圣母大学, 和布拉德利大学. 自从来到英国威廉希尔中文网站. Byrne has taught courses on the history of United States foreign policy, 美国内战和重建, 两次世界大战之间的美国, 冷战时期的美国, 非洲的非殖民化, 近代中国和日本的崛起, 以及美国社会福利政策的第一年研讨会.

Dr. 文森特Campese

Assistant Professor/Psychology and Director of Neuroscience Program

Campese的 个人网站

Dr. Campese earned his PhD in 2011 from the City University of New York Graduate Center through the Cognition Brain and Behavior Psychology sub-program. His thesis project examined the neural substrates involved in context-specific memory. As a postdoctoral research scientist Dr Campese joined the LeDoux lab at New York University, where he pursued questions about how associative learning contributes to aversive motivation and memory. His work has focused on how maladaptive anxiety or fear-related defensive responding is eliminated by experience with avoidance learning. In 2018 Dr Campese became an Assistant Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at 英国威廉希尔中文网站, 在埃文斯维尔, 印第安纳州. 作为首席研究员, he continues to train students to conduct research with the long-term goal of identifying brain circuits that control defensive responding and promote active coping.

Dr. 艾莉森·琼斯




Dr. 艾莉森·琼斯, 教育学院助理教授, earned a BA in History Education and endorsement in Special Education from Whitworth University, 莱斯利大学教育技术硕士, and EdD in Educational Leadership from University of the Cumberlands.

Dr. Jones began her teaching career in Tacoma, Washington, teaching high school special education. 搬到佛罗里达州奥兰多市后,Dr. Jones taught middle school social studies in the AVID program. 搬到埃文斯维尔(Evansville)后. Jones taught high school social studies at a private online school. Dr. 琼斯曾担任过各种教学职务, 包括组长, 系主任, 在职培训, 和新的老师导师. 在奥兰多,博士. Jones was recognized as her school's Social Studies Teacher of the Year and Teacher of the Year. Dr. Jones was the recipient of the Dean’s Teaching Award in 2022.

Dr. 朱莉Merkle




Developmental Biology, Genetics, Stem Cell Biology, Reproductive Biology

Dr. 莎拉Petrosillo




莎拉Petrosillo received her BA in English and Italian Literature from Colby College, 并获得了加州大学的英语博士学位, 戴维斯. Her scholarship focuses on medieval literature and feminism and she has published articles on medieval poetry and drama in the Journal for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Exemplaria: Medieval, Early Modern, Theory, 中世纪女权主义论坛在2018年的论文集中, Animal Languages in the Middle Ages: Representations of Interspecies Communication (帕尔格雷夫麦克米伦). Her book about the cultural influence of falconry on medieval reading practices, Hawking Women: Falconry, Gender, and Control in Medieval Literary Culture, 会在2023年上映吗. 她教第一年的研讨班, 英国文学调查的前半部分, 世界经典, 文艺复兴和17th 世纪作家,浪漫主义和中世纪文学. 她还主持和教授入门课程 性别,妇女和性研究项目. 她于2021年获得了UE的模范教师奖.