Shabnam Shukrullah





成长的过程中, 我总是对科学和医学着迷, but it wasn’t until my sophomore year in college when I was introduced to the physician assistant profession. 在研究职业时, I instantly fell in love with the role and responsibilities of a PA in the medical field. 作为未来的私人助理, I love the flexibility and freedom I will have in exploring different specialties of medicine and the everlasting opportunities to keep learning and diversifying my knowledge of 健康 and wellness.

为什么UEPA? 或者是什么使UEPA不同于其他PA项目?

While applying to different PA programs, it was clear that UEPA was unique. 在我的申请过程中, I was constantly surprised by the quick and thoughtful communication by the UEPA faculty. Rather than merely being regarded as one of thousands of graduate applicants, they made the time and effort to get to know me and listen to my story. The sincere care and amiability of the UEPA faculty immediately made me feel welcomed and assured that the program is invested in my education. 在epa开始我的职业生涯之后, my vision of UE's culture has been further validated by the genuine support and involvement of the faculty in their students’ lives. 私立学校的挑战性, I cherish being able to have these genuine student-faculty relationships. The 英国威廉希尔中文网站 is greater than a standard institution; it is a family where you grow and learn together.


My biggest challenge has been navigating PA school while also taking care of my 健康. Many PA students are used to working hard and achieving high grades as evident by the competitiveness of getting accepted into PA schools. 然而, 不同于本科生, 你一学期有好几门考试, during PA school there will be times where you have several exams in a week. 对于那些不断追求高分的人, 这可能会带来极大的压力, 经常变成深夜和清晨. 休息和工作之间的平衡有时是非常具有挑战性的. 你很难不去关注你的分数值, 但更重要的是你要珍惜自己的努力, 持久性, 和奉献精神. 你最大的关注点应该放在学习重要的技能上. 剩下的就跟着来了!


在被UEPA录取之前,我申请了三次CASPA. During my gap years, I worked as a medical assistant in various medical offices. 尽管每次被拒绝都让人心烦意乱, looking back I am so grateful for all the experiences that I gained during those years. I recommend getting involved in hands-on experiences before PA school, so you can be familiar with some treatment methods and procedural techniques when you start! 它还能帮助你建立自信, 个人技能, 以及积极的习惯,这些习惯会在你毕业后对你很有帮助.

What is your best advice for anyone working on the CASPA application?

早点出发! 即使你不能正式开始申请, 有计划并研究不同的项目吗, 一旦应用程序启动, 您可以将全部注意力放在应用程序本身. Also, start working on your personal statement well ahead of the application deadline. 这种方式, you can have enough time to get feedback and make adjustments until you feel confident with your submission.

If you could go back and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

你知道的比你以为的要多! 这是我第一次从高年级同学那里听到的,这是真的! A lot of times, before exams, I would be very anxious and feel like I don’t know anything. 但事实并非如此! PA school is challenging, but the best part is that there are a lot of repetitions! PA学校的每一个学期都是为下一个学期做准备. At the end, you’ll end up fitting all the pieces and everything will start to stick in!


I came to PA school knowing that it would be challenging, so there were no surprises for me! In fact, I thought I would be spending my entire day in class, but that’s not the case! 大多数学期,我们的课在中午之前就结束了, 所以我们有足够的时间在课外学习.


你将会学到大量的信息! 所以,这是一个挑战! 但, in contrast to undergrad where you may be taking random classes that you have little interest in, the classes in PA school are relevant and are made to prepare you for clinical rotations and beyond. I would say my experience in PA school has been difficult yet worthwhile and fulfilling. You’ll be amazed at how much you will grow your knowledge each semester, 这是一种非常有益的感觉!


到目前为止,我最喜欢的课是解剖学. It is the fundamentals of medicine, and it really prepares you for the rest of your classes. Our anatomy class utilized the Anatomage table which has virtual cadaver models, 最棒的是我们在实验结束后也可以使用它, so there is plenty of time to learn and get familiar with the human body!


一个典型的一天因学期而异, but usually our class starts at 8-9 am with breaks in between classes to grab a snack or chat with classmates. We have had semesters where we ended classes by lunchtime, so we could go home and take a break. 在很大程度上, 我们的日程安排不紧凑, 所以有很多时间在课外学习.


My favorite part of UEPA has been all the amazing activities and events that the UEPA program has planned for us. 我最喜欢的一些记忆来自我们的野外活动, 师生野餐, 瑜伽, 期末考试后参加冰激凌社交活动和扎染! The program really makes sure to plan activities to help students destress which really sets UEPA apart from other programs!


你可能以前听过这句话,但是做你自己! The UEPA interview was the most fun and interactive interview I’ve had! The moment you start the interview, you realize that the faculty just want to know you better. 是真实的. 是你!


平衡学校的需求, 健康, 生活有时会很艰难, 但这对你的整体成功和心理健康很重要! It’s all about organization like keeping To-Do lists, daily time management, and setting priorities. Make goals for yourself, but if you need a break make sure to pause and ground yourself. 你的健康是最重要的.